
i agree with khaki snack: January 2005


Saturday, January 29, 2005

somebody tore down my favourite sign in the Jduc "this use to hold a pizza now it hold a dream.."

So me thinkey.... you know what would be really cool... if the UBS sold PRODUCE.... i mean have you been to the A+P lately... i mean 2.50 for romaine.. that is insane (no rhyme intended... but happy about it none the less) Why doesn't the UBS sell produce... i mean we could put a rack in right beside the books, clothing, ticketmaster, used cds, new cds and reading room sections that all fit in so perfectly. I mean... when a store has no clear concept... the key to fixing it is giving more and more expensive concepts to pretend to adapt... that way we can justify its existance... because we will be the first school in canada to have a place where we can buy radishes by students for students....

also i watched "Platoon" last night. It was pritty cool overal because i'm taking this cold war class so it sort of ties in. but i guess the problem was that everyone said it was SO AMAZING... and when i watched it i was kind of like... what.... is this part supposed to be deep or something??? Also i went out to east sides with derek and chris for dinner. Man, i ate so much salad i took pritty much most of my entree home with me... which will be lunch tomorow. i sort of felt bad, cause i think our waitress knew that was our scam... also i only tipped her 2.50 and the bill was like 17..... i mean i know that should be enough but it was on interac... and after you enter the tip on those things (when they're watching no less....) you feel pritty guilty for whatever you give... i think its cause they don't need to be nice to you anyomore... kind of crumby if you ask me...

also triples of jack and coke at QP cost 13 dollars for anyone who orders them besides provan and i...
in the future that might change...
the future COULD BE... NOW
also i wish derek would let me and provan sign the real site damnit

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Stories From the Campaign Trail.....

Today i was meeting some new friends in the J-Duc, when this girl, Sally Haders, came up to me with a concern. "You See Dave," she said to me, "I'm a student from a lower middle class family, struggling to get through university. I appreciate all the sacrafices my parents are making for me, but some times its just not enough." I sighed, and told her how i understood her situation, and it was at that moment she took a sip of her coffee from the common ground. She said to me, "Oh no... its gotten cold, and I, being from a lower middle class background am not sure if i should purchase another." I put my arm around her, and together we looked at the poorly insulated paper cup and said....."WHY???"

Together, Sally, we can make a difference know... it wasn't until second year that i really got that the Angela/Tony sexual tension was the driving force behind Who's the Boss. I mean i always just thought it was based on Tony Danza being funny and Italian. BUT ITS NOT...
Also, In the pilot the golden girls had a gay live in cook named COCO....its awesome...


Trust me, it's way better so far. we'll make this better later.




Mr Wick

I didn't think he'd be that great, but I dont' mind him as new late late show host. Kilborn had some great moments, but it was all Gibby and Goldie holding it down.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

another idea

okay, imagine you're in the jduc, and you're like "Woah, my hair needs a trim, and I have to make dinner. Also, I haven't had any protein today so I should consider eating meat, which is a source of protein" What would you do?!
Imagine a place called Tony's Cuts. Half deli, have barbershop. The head barber is also the head butcher! Feasibility aside, it would be sort of cool.

our platform

Vision. Accountability. Representation. It’s all crap. And so are you.

Hi! We’re Team Khaki Snack. A lot of teams in the past have made a lot of promises that either didn’t happen, or just plain old sucked. But I’ll tell you what doesn’t suck: Reality TV! This new craze is about to sweep the nation, and Team Khaki Snack (a.k.a. Team BMP) wants to get the AMS in on the ground floor- literally! Yup, we want to put cameras EVERYWHERE in the AMS offices. Maybe even our homes. The fact that no one has suggested this is the past has got to make you think: What were they trying to hide from you???

Moving right along, you know what Alfie’s needs? Us to throw more money into it, of course. Also, a name more fitting of its ‘hole-in-the-ground’ status. Like Alfie’s Bombshelter. Or WOW COUCHES WOW!! Or Molson’s presents Alfie’s Molsonotorium…in partnership with Bombay Sapphire…but mostly Molson.

Do you jog? Have you never used Walkhome? Then you’re sort of like us! I bet the reason for this is because Walkhome needs to be overhauled, and renamed Joghome. Our services need to be able to keep up with today’s fast paced student lifestyle. And also, I want to start jogging but can’t find anyone to do it with.

Queen’s needs a Barber Shop quartet singing telegram service.

If elected, Team Khaki Snack will release a book of epic proportions entitled “Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the AMS but were too indifferent to ask” It’ll have a special “Where are they now?” section. For instance, did you know that Former AMS president Mike Lindsay later spent his summer working for The Haunted Walk of Kingston?

Reduce. Re-use. Recycle. You’ve got three R’s. NOW USE THEM!

Vote Burpee Messer Provan!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Prepare for your impending doom