somebody tore down my favourite sign in the Jduc "this use to hold a pizza now it hold a dream.."
So me thinkey.... you know what would be really cool... if the UBS sold PRODUCE.... i mean have you been to the A+P lately... i mean 2.50 for romaine.. that is insane (no rhyme intended... but happy about it none the less) Why doesn't the UBS sell produce... i mean we could put a rack in right beside the books, clothing, ticketmaster, used cds, new cds and reading room sections that all fit in so perfectly. I mean... when a store has no clear concept... the key to fixing it is giving more and more expensive concepts to pretend to adapt... that way we can justify its existance... because we will be the first school in canada to have a place where we can buy radishes by students for students....
also i watched "Platoon" last night. It was pritty cool overal because i'm taking this cold war class so it sort of ties in. but i guess the problem was that everyone said it was SO AMAZING... and when i watched it i was kind of like... what.... is this part supposed to be deep or something??? Also i went out to east sides with derek and chris for dinner. Man, i ate so much salad i took pritty much most of my entree home with me... which will be lunch tomorow. i sort of felt bad, cause i think our waitress knew that was our scam... also i only tipped her 2.50 and the bill was like 17..... i mean i know that should be enough but it was on interac... and after you enter the tip on those things (when they're watching no less....) you feel pritty guilty for whatever you give... i think its cause they don't need to be nice to you anyomore... kind of crumby if you ask me...
also triples of jack and coke at QP cost 13 dollars for anyone who orders them besides provan and i...
in the future that might change...
the future COULD BE... NOW
also i wish derek would let me and provan sign the real site damnit
DUDE- I'll sign you in when you learn to spell.
Also, I had 3 salads at East Sides, each more delicious than the previous.
January 30, 2005 at 2:35 PM
Produce you say? Phenomenal.
January 30, 2005 at 9:26 PM
Thanks alot for waiting till sunday when i got back so i could go to east sides with you.
ps. ever notice that willem dafoe has the most random roles in movies? sometimes he's gay, sometimes he's a solider, sometimes he is a goblin. that either means that he is a great actor, or he sleeps with a lot of producers. i learned that from friends. you don't have to be good to get ahead in show business.
January 30, 2005 at 10:09 PM
that's classic. he so was a goblin. and recently he's been a funny german guy with a speedo.
January 31, 2005 at 8:28 AM
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